The Tower of London
Whether it’s this isolation period we’re presently going through or the story of Anne Boleyn famously imprisoned in the Tower of London…I’ve finally got the newest Hidden History on the drawing board. From the layout, you can see Anne features as her own Hidden History, together with the famous ravens who inhabit the Tower grounds, and a beefeater (of course) but there’s so much I’ve learnt about this Great British Monument, I won’t ‘tell all’ in this blog. This is just a taster. You can catch up with progress of this works on my instagram and Facebook pages (Rebecca Clitheroe Artist). When it’s finished I’ll publish it on here but getting the image to my printer may take a little longer than normal so if you’re interested in ordering cards and prints I’ll be here, at the end of an email or messenger, if you’d like to drop me a line.
Keep going everyone…
Whilst the country is in Lockdown and so many of us find ourselves living apart from those people we love, maybe it’s a poignant place to be, remembering other people’s plight. A huge thank you to the people working to keep us all safe. People who truly care. We will emerge from all of this eventually.
Unlike Anne Boleyn.
As my mum’s always told me…There’s always someone worse off than yourself!
Bye for now x