My website is officially up and running!
Firstly, I want to say thanks to the tireless hard work and determination of two of my very favourite people, Abigail Glancy and Lucy Clitheroe. Due to these website-makers ‘extraordinaires’, my long-awaited site is now up and running.
You can now view all my works, keep up to date with news and purchase directly from my shop.
All my current products including London, Bakewell and Buxton Hidden Histories Collections are available to purchase in the shop.
Here you will find a variety of high-quality printed products including Mini Prints, Folded Cards and larger Mounted Prints.
Furthermore, visit my contact page here to ask me specific questions or find my answers to some FAQs, including those about delivery rates.
You can now explore the ‘Hidden Histories’ behind each of the buildings in my entire collection, all in one place!
Please visit ‘Works’ to explore the stories concealed in each of my illustrations.
Additionally, to understand more about my ‘Hidden Histories’ visit my ‘About’ page, or to see exactly how I “build in the history” to my illustrations, visit Hidden Histories: Albert Hall.
Finally, follow me on social media!
Below are links to my ‘Rebecca Clitheroe Artist’ Instagram and Facebook profiles.
Feel free to like, share and follow me on social media!
© Rebecca Clitheroe 2021
All artwork and imagery is the property of Rebecca Clitheroe and should not be downloaded or copied without the Artist’s permission.